Hujan Panas

The movie that touches my father so much! Can't wait to see the 'Hujan Panas' lyrics.
Last Sunday me and the kids went to their Tokki & Wan's house. We spent the whole day there. Usually in the evening my father (theTokki) will do some gardening. But that weekend, he and my mom stuck in front of the TV to watch their favourite P. Ramlee movie "Hujan Panas". I was busy with the kids and their cousins downstairs without realizing the movie drew so much attention than the grandchildren.
The movie ended late in the evening. Both of my parents wentdownstairs, sang and hum the "Hujan Panas" song together. Then mymom said, "Hah! Again.. your father cried.." Both of them grinned."Every time he watched this movie, sure he'll sob when P.Ramlee sang that song to the son. You know what..He'll always hum "Hujan Panas"song to put you to sleep when all of you were kids."
I still remember sometime ago I heard he sang this song to put myl ittle brother to sleep. I thought I misheard he wept!. Well.. itseems that that song meant so much to him.. :) He's so touchytype.. and that made me so touchy too..hehee
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