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Just to share.. something about antenatal care.
Thrush during pregnancy
Vaginal thrush, also called yeast infection or candidiasis, is an overgrowth of yeast that leads to a range of unpleasant symptoms, such as itching and soreness around the vagina.
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How do you get thrush?
Happy Delivery!
1. Fiza 2. Kak Oya 3. Kak Zie 4. Ira 5. Kak Ana (UkS) 6. Kak Yeanti (UkS) 7. Kak CT Azma
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Just to share.. something about antenatal care.
Thrush during pregnancy
Vaginal thrush, also called yeast infection or candidiasis, is an overgrowth of yeast that leads to a range of unpleasant symptoms, such as itching and soreness around the vagina.
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How do you get thrush?
Vaginal infections are fairly common in pregnancy. Thrush is caused by a microscopic fungus called Candida albicans. This organism lives in the intestinal tract of both men and women, and nearly one third of all women have it in their vagina. It only becomes a problem when its numbers outgrow competing microorganisms. During pregnancy, the vagina is rich in glycogen which promotes the growth of Candida — hence, a pregnant woman is 10 times more likely to get thrush than when she is not expecting. (
How thrush is diagnosed?
Some health care providers may diagnose thrush based only on visual and reported symptoms, but to be absolutely sure, she or he will need to take a swab, or sample, of the mucus in your vagina. This involves inserting a speculum into your vagina and wiping a swab on the vaginal wall to get a sample for examination. Ask for a swab to be taken if your doctor doesn’t do it automatically.
You should not use oral treatments for thrush if you are pregnant. If you think you have an infection, let your doctor or midwife know. Your doctor may prescribe you some pessaries that are safe to use at your stage of pregnancy. Don't treat yourself with over the counter medications unless you have spoken to your GP first.
- Eating yogurt is not the only thing you can do to ward off a yeast infection.
- Wear cotton underpants and pantyhose with a cotton crotch.
- Keep the area dry. Candida albicans thrives in warm, moist areas.
- Eat a diet high in grains, vegetables and protein.
- Avoid eating processed foods, sugar and alcohol. You may also want to reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet.
While a yeast infection does not pose a problem to your child during pregnancy, a yeast infection during labor may lead to oral thrush. Thrush in infants is different from a vaginal yeast infection. However, it can easily be treated by your child’s health care provider.
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