Friday, September 30, 2005

My 16-old month Boy

16-month old

Your child now knows which of his tricks will get a laugh out of you, whether it's making silly faces or doing a funny little dance. But he's also figuring out by watching your reactions that not everything he does is acceptable to you. Now is a good time to start teaching right from wrong by cheering on "good" behavior (picking up a toy and putting it in the toy box) and frowning on "bad" (throwing the toy across the room). And don't forget to start watching what you say and do around your child: Imitation is one of the ways toddlers learn socially acceptable behavior. -BabyCenter

Hasif now can understand simple questions and instructions. One of his favourite instructions to carry out is “put this litter into the waste basket, please” and he will contentedly do it. But somehow, every single thing goes to the waste basket e.g. his training cup, bottle, toys, etc. If I asked, he'll adorably tell me where the stuffs are. “Apah” (Sampah). Then I know he dumped something in the basket. And Hanan will laugh.

So sweet.