Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Lepas Geram

Sejak kali pertama bertemu, hatiku mmg tak sedap gitu.. Melihatkan wajahnya, terasa takde aura. Bukan takde aura.. rasa aura tu PANAAASS je. Tapi masa tu cuma aku seorg saja kaum Hawa. Kaum Adam yg ada semuanya terpegun dgn cerita2 hebatnya. Wah.. kenalan Dato'..kenalan MB.. pegi solat Jumaat, sampai tahu mana favourite spot MB. So what??? Waktu itu, terasa panas punggung.. panas telinga. Tapi 'escort'2 ku, masih lagi terpegun..mungkinkah terpedaya??

Janji2 manis ditabur..Nah! Bayaran booking RM1K. Wah! Client byk duit nih.. Bapak Profesor, anak menantu Doktor.. byk untung.. mintak deposit byk2.

"Yang ini, sesuai sgt2 dgn Dr, tak muda sgt*, pandai mengaji, Hajjah ni.. very alim.. FRESH dari kampung.."
* sebenarnya TUA

Maka tibalah Hajjah di Malaysia bersama tangisan, air mata & sakit dada. Aku??? Terlopong, terkebil2.. tak mampu nak berkata2. Dari A-Z, dari apply sampai cancel.. yg aku terima..adalah COBAAN.

Demam berminggu2.. Dugaan Allah, latihan utk pembangunan diri. Aku tabahkan hati, namun kdg2 terasa jg lemah semangat. Ku teruskan kehidupan tanpa pembantu di rumah.. MIL, SILs benar2 membantu.

Pelik..pelik dan pelik.. Recommended, nampak professional.. tapi menyusahkan. Tawar hati..sungguh2 tawar hati. Kenapa begini? Atau sebenarnya begini? Atau sebenarnya bukan begini?? Sudahlah competence dlm kerja dlm diri ini tu tak ada. Terpaksa pula leaping2 sneaking.. EL, AL, MC memenuhi ruang punch card bulan ini.

COBAAN itu telah buat aku berfikir.. kalau kita ada instinct yg tak best, boleh ke kita trust instinct tu or kita ni sbnrnye negative thinking?

Aku anggap semua ni ujian Allah. Allah nak tunjukkan sesuatu.. Dia Maha Mengetahui. Bak kata Fiza, kita hanya merancang, Allah yg menentukan. Sudah di adjust begini pun tak kena, begitu pun tak kena, makin dicari penyelesaian, makin terbongkar kesusahan..

Biarlah..ianya sudah berlalu. Kau--kau, aku--aku.. kita tak usah bertemu lagi. Jodoh kita cuma di sini. Aku harap kau mengerti.. Aku takmau pisang berbuah 2 kali. Engkau rugi, aku pun rugi. Kita sama2 rugi. Sbb tu aku tak mahu cari ganti.. Dapat ganti yg mcm tempoh hari lagi??? Aku yg susah hati!

Hehheehhe.. Jangan lupa bayar balik duit kami..

Monday, March 28, 2005

Hi..this is Kak Aisya

Aisya Humayrah Mohd. Ihsan at 5 months Posted by Hello

Ini Aisya. Hanan & Hasif panggil Kak Aisya. Kak Aisya lahir 5 bulan awal dari Hanan pada 5 Nov 2002. Kak Aisya dulu songsang posisinya dlm tummy Ummi. Maka keluarlah Kak Aisya ikut tingkap, sehari sebelum 1 Ramadhan tahun bila ye.. 1423H kot. Gambar terkini Kak Aisya yg berumur 2 1/2 tahun, belum diproses lagi.. Kak Aisya ada adik lelaki, sama mcm Hanan. Nama adik, Muhammad Irsyad Mukhlis @ Imad. Aisya & Imad sekarang sedang menunggu kepulangan Ayah yg tak balik2 sejak pergi ekspidisi ke Sg. Nenggiri pada 6 Jun 2004 (see June 2004). Waktu itu Imad berusia 5 bulan dlm tummy Ummi (tapi tak songsang).

Mama Hanan & Ummi Aisya share byk perkara.. Sejak dlm tummy Ummi lagi sampai sekarang, perkembangan Kak Aisya menjadi panduan kat Mama Hanan & Hasif. Dan sekarang, terbalik. Sbb Hasif pulak 5 bulan lebih tua dari Imad. Best kan? hehe.. Baju, kasut.. boleh main pas2..

Happy 28th Birthday to Ummi Aisya.. (28th March)

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

My Terrible Twos

29 days to go.. My Nurhanan Safiya will reach 2. Dah besar anak Mama.. She's smart, creative, imaginative.. What surprised me so much, Hanan tak pelat like most toddlers at her age. She can describe things, asking, etc.. Jarang la tak dapat faham apa yg dia cuba beritahu.. cuma kadang-kadang bila Hanan mengamuk, she usually try to tell me something tapi tak dapat nak faham due to the screams etc.


~sigh~ This is the most challenging part of a mummy of age 2 kids. Now it's Hanan's turn. I wonder how Hasif will turn out to be soon. At first, I thought it is because of siblings jealousy between her and her brother. Tapi, org lain pun mcm ni jugak. Why? Drawing attention from the adults..? Apalah salah si kecil.. Articles below was taken from UkS. This one is generally tips for parents on handling their kids' tantrum.. Beep..beepp..beep.. Signs that mummy needs to be more educative..read a lot, ask more from others..

How to Tame Toddler Tantrums

"Skittles!" was the last word Suzanne Harris recalled hearing before she found herself, along with 12 other unsuspecting patrons at a local video store, staring in horror at her daughter. Perched on the lower shelf of the snack display and screaming in a pitch that could shatter glass, 4-year-old Avery was launching candy bars across the store, marginally avoiding an innocent elderly man's forehead with a loaded Snickers bar. "Apparently, 'no' wasn't the word she expected to hear," says Harris. "I was so mortified, all I could do was place my videos on the counter, collect Avery and run for the door."
Many of us recall falling witness to these episodes before having children of our own, silently declaring, "My child will never behave like that in public!" Eventually, we entered the land of Never-Say-Never ourselves, and in due course most of us found that, despite the most delightful of demeanors, nearly all of these little creatures are capable of outbursts that can leave strangers speechless and parents fleeing for the nearest exit.
And of course, Murphy's Law governs that the worst of your child's tantrums will take place in the company of your mother-in-law, who insists he's under-disciplined, in a crowded restaurant, or in a playgroup where everyone else's children seem to be wearing angel's wings.
What exactly is behind the infamous temper tantrum? Is it an insatiable need to triumph in a parent-child power struggle, or does it represent an inability to communicate feelings and lack of understanding of the rules?

Lesia Oesterreich, M.S., Family Life Extension Specialist, Human Development and Family Studies at Iowa State University says, "Toddlers throw tantrums for many reasons - some big, some small. A square block won't fit in a round hole. Shoes feel funny, and socks don't seem to come off right. And to make matters worse, you won't let them climb on top of the kitchen table." In short, she offers, "Toddlers have tantrums because they get frustrated very easily."

How Can Tantrums Be Prevented?

Dr. Warren Umansky, Child Development Specialist, published author, and internationally renowned speaker, has been counseling parents and children for over 25 years. "The best advice I can give any parent is to begin to teach your children appropriate behaviors as early as possible, before negative influences alter good behavior patterns," offers Dr. Umansky. "An important task of parenthood is to catch your children doing the right things and praising them for those."

He offers the following strategies on how to avoid, and deal with, temper tantrums:

* Prepare Your Child. Give five and one minute warnings for comingindoors, sitting down to eat, getting ready for bed, etc.
* Explain Expectations to your child for an out-of-the-homeactivity (e.g., going shopping, attending a friend's birthday party, going to grandma's house, etc.).
* Offer Incentives. This may include such things as sugarless gumafter traveling through the supermarket, or stopping for ice cream on the way home. Don't worry that the child will always expect some tangible reward. Rewards are useful motivators for children who don't understand why they can't pull out the bottom can in a food display!
* Recognize, Acknowledge, and Praise. (But don't overdo it.)
* Ignore, as long as the child is not hurting herself or damagingproperty. Most tantrums will cease if the child receives no attention at all. Tantrums are the child's way of testing the limits of her environment, and it can be a healthy lesson if she realizes it is not effective.
* Talk. When the tantrum ends, talk with your child about betterways to act and express feelings. But be brief and don't sermonize.
* Remove. If your child has a tantrum in a public setting, takeyour child to an isolated spot and say, "We'll stay here until you calm down and are ready to follow the rules." Again, follow up with a brief discussion of better ways to express feelings.
* Get Control over tantrums at home first and practice your soundstrategies before taking a child who has severe tantrums into public settings.

Dr. Umansky advises, "You should see dramatic changes in behavior in as little as one week after using these approaches consistently. Should they persist, it is wise to talk with your pediatrician."
Valerie Sweet, mother of two, swears that purchasing an inexpensive portable audio cassette player with headphones for her 3 1/2 year-old daughter, Grace, did the trick for her. "We bought it along with several children's music and storybook tapes and reserved it for errands only. She kept the headphones on and listened to her music in every store and actually looked forward to shopping with me."

Katherine Hutt Puschel, communications consultant and mother to Billy, 9 and Katie, 5, would join her children in their efforts by getting down on the floor with them and creating a tantrum of her own. "The sight of Mommy flailing around was almost always enough to get them giggling. Soon we'd both be hysterical with laughter." She empathetically adds, "Of course, big hugs of reconciliation end each session so they understand we are not making fun of them. My daughter knows the routine so well that she will sometimes ask for 'help getting my control back.'"

Regardless of your own tried-and-true strategies for taming your toddler's tantrums, most parents can rest assured that these pint-sized explosions are a temporary and very normal part of growing up. With a little ingenuity, patience, and above all, respect for our children, most of us will get through this phase and our toddlers will emerge with a clear understanding of what's expected of them.
Related Reading: * Help kids blow away anger * More toddler topics

- Tonja Brossette

more about T2s

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You

(Glenn Medeiros)

If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong

Our dreams are young
And we both know they'll take us
Where we want to go

Hold me now
Touch me now I don't want to live without you

Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love

Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you

If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ribut bangaaattt..

25th February 2005

Dalam kesibukan menguruskan hal ehwal Sunarti serta plan lawatan muhibbah ke KL, I was enforced to go to the BTN Course di Kem KLIA Sepang. Dalam ramai-ramai staf dari kampus Kuantan, I volunteered utk uruskan keberangkatan ke sana. 10 org semuanya. Dalam kalut ribut itu, baru tahu yg gaji bulan Februari masih lagi dipotong double akibat ketidakcekapan org Finance (?). Ribut kali.. wadduhh.. (decided not to go to DOI)

27th February 2005

Sendirian shopping di Kuantan Parade. As required at the camp, I bought track bottom, long sleeve T-shirt, sport shoes, slipper. Not to forget, I bought wedding gift for Pijah, souvenir for Sunarti.. Pening cari T-shirt & stoking utk Hanan.. Hari ni, hari latihan buat Hasif utk minum susu Snow.

28th February 2005

Semua barang dah siap packing termasuk pakaian anak2 sbb takkan sempat dah nak packing lagi. Guess what.. bawak jugak ice-box & other breast pump tools.. I decided to pump & store the BM, as advised by Kak Ana. Terus bertolak ke KL (de Palma Hotel, Ampang) sebelum bertolak dari Gombak Campus ke Sepang. Checked in dlm pkl 5.30pm bersama 8 yang lain.

1st March 2005

Stress + stress + stress + travel = constipation

Bertolak dari Gombak ke Sepang. Sampai sana..check2.. rupanya kat sana tak de peti ais...!!! Agh! Anyway, managed to get excuse from the Urusetia, and terpaksa buat kawan dgn org caterer. Pentingnye PR skill kat sini.

2nd March 2005

Untuk berjaya, kita kene tebalkan muka

3rd March 2005

Yey2..balik! Mananged to collect 20+ containers of EBM. Alhamdulillah. Thanks so much to Kak Ana. You inspired me. Returned to Kuantan safely with the EBM.

4th March 2005

Both of my angels were having fever. Flew to KLIA.. Hanan was so happy dpt tgk KL. Met Pijah!! Hasif muntah kat rmh Pijah. Kembung sbb unproper meal. Abah dia sampai give up..nak balik Kuantan!! What a holiday..

5th March 2005

Nak amik tiket awal ke Kuantan??? Boleh...boleh blah.. kene denda RM123.00 satu kepala.. hehehe.. sabar je lah, Sayangku.. Lunch at Umie's. Atiqah so sweet.. Best sgt.. tapi terkilan jgk tak dapat ke rumah arwah Nuun. Keadaan tak mengizinkan. Hanan pulak yg muntah kat rmh Umie. Hanan had an upset stomach due to incorrect milk porportion, I think. Mama le yg tertinggal scoop susu Hanan! Petangnye, Dr Yusof hantar ke KLIA. Thank you very, very much. Next time we'll drive to KL..

6th March 2005

Auld Lang Syne to Bibik Sunarti.. Ahlan to Bibik Haji.. (Hajjah Kudrotun)

7th March 2005

Auld Lang Syne to Bibik Haji as well.. after almost 32 hours being with us..

8th-14th March 2005

ON LEAVE-- full time house wife