Sunday, July 31, 2011

my sketch on 16.7.2011

Dlm blog Emila Yusof ada ruangan 'Sketching Time' untuk berkongsi sketches dgn Emila Yusof. Jadi, kat sini saya nak berkongsi lukisan 'pengantin baru', sepupu saya Jek dan Dr. Asiah.  Cuma menggunakan pensel 2B.
foto dari Facebook
masih banyak perlu berlatih. saya amatur yg baru bermula  :)


emilayusof said...

great effort from a newbie, zaza. don't worry about it too much, it'll develop with practice.

one way to do portrait is to make grid lines x,y (say once inch) on the printout of the photo. later make the same grid lines on your drawing paper ( make it bigger than 1 inch if you want the portrait bigger. then draw according to the girds.

z.r.k.z said...

thanks kak emila!
jurang terlalu besar untuk mengatakan lukisan ni sebuah potret.. hehe.. saya lebih suka ianya dipanggil ilustrasi sahaja. (ada beza tak?).

anyway thanks so much for the tips.. awesome..!