Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Some beautiful expensive property in my life

Hanan was inside the baby cot (to protect her from being disturbed and disturbing the brother as well). Hasif was outside the cot try to reach his sister. But that particular morning was fine. Even there was a boundary marker, fortunately they played well.

Hanan : Adik, lukis-lukis jom! Let’s draw!
Hasif : Taeeeeeee… (Pensel….) This is pencil. (It is actually a crayon)
Hanan : Nah, ni yellow. This is yellow colour.
Hasif : Aaa..taeeee.. Nak.. I want one, please.
Hanan : Kaler Pooh Bear, Adik. Paint the Pooh Bear.
Hasif : Beaaarr.. Awer.. Bear.. Flowers..
Hanan : Ni Adik..Orange.. This one is orange colour, Adik.
Hasif : (seemed not to bother)
Hanan : Kaler sini.. haaa… Hanan lukis heart. Paint here..look.. I draw a Heart. (The drawing book was all messed then)
Hasif : (painting and messing)
Hanan : Eh.. salah..salah la, Adik.. Ni wat dengan tangan kanan. Hey, use your right hand, Adik.

I waited for about 10 minutes, and they were still doing the colourings. After a few moments..

Hanan : Dah la, Adik.. Hanan simpan lah. lah. Hmm.. I don’t want to colour anymore. Let’s clear up.
Hasif : (silent)
Hanan : Mama.. Hanan nak turun.. Please let me out.
Adik, jom turun bawah. Let’s go downstairs, Adik.
Jom ikut Hanan pegi, jom. Follow me.
Hasif : (tagging along)

Sharing is loving.. :-* xoxo